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2021-03-27 08:00  


Content introduction

Flow is that state of concentration and self-absorption when we're doing something -- a state where you don't even feel like there's time, and when it's done we feel a sense of energy and satisfaction。In fact, many times we can easily experience flow when we are doing something that we really enjoy, are challenging, and are good at, such as climbing, swimming, playing ball, playing games, reading, playing an instrument, or working。

Mihaly Csikszentmihalai, the father of theory of mind and founder of positive psychology, pioneered the concept of flow 30 years ago, based on a large number of case studies。

This book systematically expounds the flow theory, the conditions for entering the flow state, and explains how to enter the flow state from various aspects such as daily life, leisure and entertainment, work, and interpersonal relationships。For psychology enthusiasts and researchers, Flow is an indispensable source of theoretical understanding in fields like positive psychology;For the general public, it is also a guide to improve happiness and efficiency, and get a positive life。


Preface I | The Way to create your own inner order Zheng Yefu // 001

Preface 2 | Flow of Life: A Song of Ice and Fire Zhao Yukun // 027

| The winner got nothing Yang Zhiping // 039

Prologue 4 | Csikszentmihalai's happiness course Wanwei Steel // 047

Foreword five | Hear the voice of joy Yu Dehui // 053

Preface 6 | Happiness needs to study by heart Zhu Zongqing // 057

Chapter 1 | Flow, the source of happiness // 061

How we feel about ourselves, and the happiness we get from life, ultimately depends directly on how the mind filters and interprets everyday experiences。Our happiness depends on our inner harmony and has nothing to do with our ability to control the universe。

When people are happiest? // 063

The root of human discontent // 072

Myths woven by culture // 075

Use your experience to your advantage // 080

Release the inner life // 085

Chapter 2 | Control consciousness to improve the quality of Experience // 089

A person can make himself happy or sad, regardless of what is happening in the outside world, just by changing the content of consciousness;The power of consciousness can also turn a helpless situation into a challenge。

The connotation of consciousness // 091

The Limits of consciousness // 097

Attention: An invaluable resource // 099

About Self // 104

Internal disorder // 107

The mind is in order // 111

The growth of self // 113

Chapter 3 | The components of flow // 117

The fable of King Midas, who turned everything into gold and finally starved to death, fully proves that the pursuit of wealth, status, and power does not necessarily make people happier。Only by creating pleasure from everyday life experiences can we truly improve the quality of life。

The illusion of happiness

Pleasure and fun // 122

What constitutes a flow experience // 126

The goal is true // 149

Chapter 4 | How to Find Flow in Daily Life? // 155

Solzhenitsyn's self-indulgent nature allowed the ordeal of being in prison to turn into a flow experience。He said: "Some prisoners manage to break through the barbed wire to escape!For me, the barbed wire did not exist, the total number of prisoners did not decrease, but I had flown far away。”

Flow activity // 158

Flow and social culture // 165

A happy disposition // 172

Experiencing happiness in the midst of hardship // 180

Chapter 5 | The Pleasures of the Senses // 185

As soon as I stepped onto the dance floor, I felt like I was floating;As if drunk feeling, when the dance to enjoy, I was hot, ecstatic, as if through the body language to communicate with others。

How much people are worth? // 187

The joy of "moving" // 189

Love to the highest point // 195

The highest level of control // 198

The joy of Sight // 202

Listen to the music of joy // 205

The Joy of Food // 211

Chapter 6 | The Joy of Thinking // 215

Newton dipped his watch into boiling water and counted the time with an egg in his hand because he was immersed in abstract thought。When Michelson, the first American scientist to win a Nobel Prize, was asked why he spent so much time measuring the speed of light, he replied, "Because it's fun!"

Body and mind complement each other

Memory: The Mother of Science

Mind games // 226

The game of words // 231

Excavating historical treasures // 236

The interest of science

The joys of philosophy // 243

Amateur and professional // 245

Chapter 7 | The Joy of Work // 249

Work is not 'Adam's curse'。Carlisle said, "Blessed is the man who finds work of the same disposition; that is the greatest blessing one can ask for in this world.。”

The joy of work // 252

Work like a game // 261

Work and leisure // 268

How to use leisure time effectively? // 274

Chapter 8 | The Joy of relationships // 277

Whether in the quiet frontier of Alaska or the noisy center of New York City, if you can enjoy the time alone, and at the same time with friends, family, community and fun, you have embarked on the road to happiness。

The subtle human relationship // 280

The Pain of loneliness

Taming loneliness // 290

The joy of family // 293

The joy of friends // 306

Big mind me // 312

Chapter 9 | How to Enjoy Setbacks? // 315

Tragedy is inevitable in life, but suffering is not necessarily insulated from happiness。How people react under pressure determines whether they can turn bad for good or just suffer in vain。

Reversing the tragedy // 318

Relieve stress // 324

Turn something bad into something amazing // 328

Cultivate a happy disposition

Chapter 10 | Seeking the Meaning of Life // 345

If you can give meaning to life, you can make life rich and bright, life so far, what can the husband ask for?It no longer matters whether you are thin, rich, or in power, when the surging desire ceases and even the humblest experiences become interesting。

What is meaning? // 349

Develop a sense of direction

Make up your mind // 358

Regain inner harmony // 364

Consistent life theme // 368

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