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College students love network group counseling recruitment
2022-04-04 14:54  

What is the feeling between the advent of things, only call people life and death。Love is illusory but real existence, everyone is full of fantasy about it, some people spend their life to follow it, some people are confused by it for half a life。

College students are in adolescence, which is a period of sexual physiological maturity and sexual consciousness awakening. College stage has become an "active period" for young people to fall in love, and love has become a common phenomenon on campus。However, college students at this stage have rich emotions and lack in-depth understanding of their emotional state, and are prone to emotional fluctuations and problems. Psychological problems caused by love seriously affect their healthy growth。

To increase the comprehensive level of mental health of college students,Improve the frustration tolerance ability of college students in love,Deepen college students' understanding of themselves and others,Guide college students to come out from the misunderstanding of love,Form a correct view of love,Let college students understand the importance of healthy emotion scientifically,Guide them to avoid blindness in emotional communication,Know the true meaning of love,Correct your motives for choosing a mate,Learn to cope with broken relationships,Help them deal with all kinds of problems in the relationship,Psychological counseling center to carry out college students love group counseling。

I. Group objectives:

(1) Promote group members to correctly understand love, clarify love orientation, correct attitude towards love;

(2) Master the methods and skills to deal with various problems in love, and face love with a positive attitude。

2. Group leader: Zhang Li, Psychological counseling Center

3. Group time: April 7 (Thursday) 19:00 -20:30

4. Online group recruitment target: students of Northeast Dianli University (15-20 people). If the number of participants exceeds the predetermined number,The Center will conduct several online group counseling sessions on the same topic in batches。

5. Group location: Tencent Conference

6. Recruitment Requirements:

(1) Can use the "Tencent Meeting" software to participate in group interaction, can keep the network smooth;

(2) Ensure that there are headphones or earphones in the group, and there is no noise around;

(3) Can guarantee to participate in the group on time, not late, not leave early;

(4) Be able to be sincere and open in the group, respect others, and keep everything that happens in the group strictly confidential;

(5) Good mental health。

Interested students can scan the QR code below to join the QQ group registration, limited places, first come first served。


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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012

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